“This hurts me more than it hurts you.” I never once believed this to be true when I would use a spanking or a hand slap to discipline my young children. I believe that dealing with the reality and implications of being hit is way more difficult and painful than the feelings associated with hitting…
Tag: respect
Why We Should Model Respect for our Children
A few nights ago I dreamt that I was back in High School, which really isn’t correct, because I grew up in France and this was clearly an American high school. So I was “back” in high school in the athletics department with a bunch of really ripped and intimidating guys. And they were bullying…
Stop telling me our relationship with our teens should suck
“Mommy, I feel weird and embarrassed sometimes about our relationship.” My heart sank at my 15 year old’s words. I loved our relationship and thought she did too. In fact, parenting teens had, to this point, proved to be my favorite stage. I told myself not to take it personally, “Oh, ok. Want to tell…