Parents are teachers. How many times do we say the same thing over and over in the same exact way and the message just doesn’t seem to get through? As a private piano teacher for 20 odd years, it has been my job to find the exact formula that would reach my student; the metaphor,…
Category: family
A Bedtime Song for Daddy
Singing has been a part of our bedtime routine for as long as we’ve had children. It provides a moment to quiet down with one last shared experience for the day. Jessica and I each have our own selection of songs we tend to sing, but they are always slow and calm. Our kids each…
My Favorite Part About Parenting Alone for Days
My wife is away on a business trip this week, extended to a week so she can spend a few rare moments with her parents, and her brother’s family. Lucky her, she gets to hang out with them where they live in Florida – in mid-August. Lucky me, I get to parent alone for a…
How a tattoo helped me heal my mothering spirit
Ever since I was a child I have admired tattoos while finding them scary and thinking the people sporting such body art were a combination of confident bad-asses who were insecure about their body and felt the need to modify it. It was confusing. For a long time I thought only a certain type of…
Beyond Yelling
We have chosen not to spank our children and we aim to parent with respect and gentleness. This is a departure from how we started (though, to be honest, we would have told you we were parenting with respect and gentleness with spanking and yelling because we believed it was necessary) and it has been…
Ophélia- dancing for water in India
Ophélia (AKA: Earth Baby) sent out a newsletter and we wanted to share it with you here. This is the story of a dreamer audacious enough to dance against the odds and how you can be a part of that dream becoming a reality. If you didn’t see the email from this weekend, keep reading…
Why We Stopped Spanking our Children
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.” I never once believed this to be true when I would use a spanking or a hand slap to discipline my young children. I believe that dealing with the reality and implications of being hit is way more difficult and painful than the feelings associated with hitting…
Mommy, what’s a dildo?
Yesterday one of our children walked into the kitchen and casually asked “mommy, what’s a dildo?” I paused in what I was doing and looked at her, my eye brows raised. This was unexpected just a few minutes before company was expected. She hastened to add “is it bad? You don’t have to tell me…
9 Selfish Reasons I Love it When My Kids Are Sick
Some things in life are bad They can really make you sad Other things just make you swear and curse When you’re chewing on life’s gristle Don’t grumble, give a whistle And this’ll help things turn out for the best… And… …always look on the bright side of life… (Whistle) ~The Life of Brian, Monty…
11 year old Challenges our Cultural Standards of Nudity
“Why can’t girls walk around without their shirts on?” asks my indignant 11 yr old (Lolie) today on our way back from school. I get it: the culture I was brought up in – one of shame in regards to nakedness – taught me that it’s normal for boys to go shirtless, and wrong for…