Click here for more information about Private Relationship, Family, and Parenting Coaching. Sometimes relationships just click and feel like they hardly require any effort on our part. They give us life, energize us, give us hope, encourage us, are meaningful is more ways than we are even aware of or can put down into words….
Tag: kids
I Loved My Child But I Didn’t Like Her
by Jessica Martin-Weber *Edited to add this content warning- difficult relationship with parent discussed including parent not liking their child.* I had a child I didn’t connect with well. For some reason we didn’t click. It was more than that. We didn’t click, we didn’t connect, we didn’t understand each other, we didn’t enjoy…
When You Don’t Like Your Own Kids
“You don’t have to like Lizzie – but you still have to treat her with respect.” “You don’t have to play with Roger – but that doesn’t mean that you get to be mean to him.” “Could there be something that they are having a hard time with that has hurt them and that’s why…
How My Son Suffers Because of Rape Culture
by Anonymous I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t prepared as a mother for the insidious impacts of rape culture on my son. I was prepared for its impacts on my daughter. I knew all about them. I lived them. But, my son? A privileged white boy? I was prepared to counteract the privilege. I was prepared…
Sound Relationship Advice – Father To Young Son
Yesterday, I took SquiggleBug (7) and Smunchie (5) to a friend’s birthday party. While another dad and I were struggling through our first tentative and awkward interactions, he abruptly called out to his son, as parents rudely but appropriately do when they spot their child doing something they probably shouldn’t. His son bounded over, brandishing…
Jeremy’s thought du jour.
I’ve known both of these this week alone. ~ Jeremy
Cultivating Wonder for a Better Tomorrow
“Why is it that the human mind can sort of grasp ‘forever’ but they can’t grasp ‘infinity’? Aren’t they basically the same thing?” My 12 yr old daughter, who we have affectionately dubbed our “Storyteller” for our online audience, reminds me often about the pure joy of wonder. She asked me this question a couple…
How I acquired magical powers
I now have magical powers… Thanks to an amazing 5 yr old boy I spent about 15 minutes with last night. His big sister and our Storyteller had been hanging out and it was time to take her home. She recently moved to another house in town, and Storyteller was eager to take the nickel…
Girls Rock Camp
The first and second days of Girls Rock Camp Houston are under her belt. She loved it. It’s loud, it’s fun, it’s empowering, it embraces uniqueness (the theme song screams “don’t be afraid to be weird!” Literally.), and it involves music. She is in her element: loud, proud, and unique.